Thursday, September 24, 2009

Vaccines can be harmful. What?!

I am sure many, if not some of us have come across the causes feature on Facebook as well as the home page that links what your other friends are up to.  We all have to admit that we "creep" sometimes and decide to see what they look at. 

I saw a comment of a video that belonged to one of these causes.  The comment was eye catching as was the video.  This lead me to watching the video and after that, I decided to browse around on the subject and that was on vaccines.  The vaccines that are of major concern are the Gardasil and Swine flu vaccines. 

The Gardasil vaccine is to prevent cervical cancer or HPV in girls and young women ranging between the ages of nine to 26.  The shot comes in three stages and after the first shot, some girls said they started feeling sick. Time goes by and after the second shot more girls would feel even worse.  They would start to get rashes, have seizures, or even faint. 

This is the video that I came across on the causes page on Facebook relating to the Gardasil vaccine.  There was even a warning back in 2008 on CNN about Gardasil.  They are still trying to get this vaccination off of the maket today. 

Parents who are now taking care of sick children because of the vaccine have said that they are living with guilt.  They wish they could go back in time and take their daughters in for their annual exams and take the chances of getting HPV and then just dealing with it if the problem ever came around.  The risks of getting the adverse effects of the vaccine are not worth it.  

While I did some more browsing, I even came across some warnes on the Swine Flu vaccination.  Some are saying that the vaccination is coming out too fast and not much study has been done on this vaccination.  The article talks about when the Swine Flu was big back and 1976.  More people have died from the vaccine than from the flu itself. 

Any kind of medication can have side effects and some are more serious than others.  There are however, vaccinations out there that we as people really have to look into and decide if we want to take those chances on the larger side effects.  There are vaccinations out there like the Gardasil and Swine Flu vaccination that will bring along health risks with them.

I guess it is almost a lesson to not jump into anything until we know the complete facts about what is entering our bodies. 


  1. Kind of makes you want to go out and get the vaccines doesn't it? Actually, it is very scary that these vaccines are having such harmful effects. It is surprising that more people have died from the Swine Flu vaccine than the Swine Flu. You would think that they would need to test these to make sure that side affects weren't so severe. I would rather risk getting the Swine Flu. I heard it isn't as bad as people are making it out to be.

  2. A girl that my sister goes to school with actually ended up with multiple sclerosis after having the Gardasil vaccine. At the time we found this out, I was wrestling with whether or not I should get the vaccine, as my healthcare provider was constantly asking me about it. Let me tell you, I have never made my mind up so quickly about something. I called my healthcare provider up and informed her that there was no Gardasil vaccine in my future!

    Just fascinating…another way that social media tools are helpful; if not for that causes link, you may not have ever read about those side effects.

  3. Instead of saying the Swine Flu, you really should say the H1N1 virus. I know some think this is dumb, but as a farmer, I understand. It has nearly destroyed the pork industry, as uneducated people think that they can get the "swine flu" from eating pork!! The sad part is, there was even a child at the State Fair in Minnesota that was talking about how his parents won't let him go to his friend's house anymore, because they have swine, and they don't want him to get the "swine flu." This is outrageous!
    Now on the issue of vaccines, all vaccines are going to have side affects, so it is the individual's responsibility to get educated and decide whether or not the side affects outweigh the affects of the drug or not.
